Varsity Lettering Program
Amateur Youth Sports Foundation is excited to launch Taekwondo Varsity Lettering Program. Varsity Lettering Program was started to recognize and honor student athletes in grades nine through twelve. This program allows high school students to received a varsity letter, just like that of any other varsity high school athlete. Earning a Varsity letter through AYSF is a great way for a student to get recognized for his or her dedication to the taekwondo sport. Getting recognized as a varsity letter holder can benefit athlete in several ways other than just being formally recognized. One way it helps is when completing college applications or resumes, because getting recognized through a formal foundation gives more credibility.
The lettering can also help athletes avoid taking an extra physical education credit. Some schools count sports outside the classroom for this requirement. This can allow a student to put taekwondo training towards their physical education instead of having to take the actual class, just like a varsity sports players could do.

Requirements for Eligibility
Applicant must hold an active membership for Amateur Youth Sports Foundation
Be a student in grades 9th - 12th (high school) and meet the 2.8 GPA minimum (provide evidence of enrollment in school - report card or transcript)
Active Membership with AAU or USAT
Completed at least 100 hours of team training
Competed at least two in any state, regional, national or international championship sanctioned by AAU or USAT
Team must be a registered club with Amateur Youth Sports Foundation
Team Coach must hold an active coach license from AAU or USAT
Team Coach must verify/submit applicant's training hours
Varsity Letter in Volunteerism
(coming soon)
Future Varsity Letter in Volunteerism program encourages AYSF members to volunteer throughout their local community, which aligns with our foundation goals to build a stronger community.
Each year, the Amateur Youth Sports Foundation along with The President's Volunteer Service Award will recognize and reward student for their volunteer efforts in the community through AYSF. Members who volunteers 200 or more hours of service can earn their varsity letter in volunteerism. This provides an avenue for student to earn a letter other than through academics or athletics and gives them valuable experiences.
Hours can be accumulated throughout all four years of high school (as long as you were a AYSF active member all years). For every 200 hours you served you can apply annually and receive a Varsity Letter. Your hours can start counting from the first day after you complete the 8th grade (the summer prior to the first day of your freshman year or 9th grade).
Be an active member in grades 9-12 in AYSF
Complete at least 200 hours of verified volunteer hours.
Must have at least 50 hours of non-school related volunteering (i.e., a civic service setting or community services)
Must have at least one club related activity (no hour requirement)
All volunteer activities must be able to be verified, contact information for verification must be included on the volunteer verification form.
Meet the 2.5 GPA requirement (must attach current transcript - does not need to be official)